Drop Bags: Drop bags for 75/100k riders will be taken by event personnel to the Aid Station at Converse Station, SART@ Hwy 38 and Heaven Drop bags must be COMPLETELY DISPOSABLE and delivered to the Start/Finish by 6:00 AM an hour prior to the start of the first race. Please mark them with your NAME, RIDER NUMBER, and the AID STATION where they should be delivered. We do not guarantee return.
Hydration/Sun: The end of September may be very warm or getting ready to snow. You may anticipate cooler temps ranging from 35-75 degrees during the event. Big Bear is still considered one of the five sunniest places in the world, so stay covered and stay hydrated!
Altitude Changes: Even though our ride will begin at an altitude of aproximately7000’, you may be traveling to a much higher or much lower altitude. Lowest and highest altitude for 75/100k riders is 3500”/8500’. For 20/30/50k riders, the lowest and highest altitudes will be 6700’/8500’.
Course Marshals: Course marshals will be on the course to ensure that riders stay on the course and pass through checkpoints. They will also ensure that all riders have cleared the course by 5:00 PM.
Course Close Times: Converse Station: If you haven’t come through Converse Station Aid Station for the 2nd time prior to 1:30 PM, you will not be able to continue on. This is a safety issue.
Grandview Point: This aid station closes at 2:30 PM. If you reach Grandview Point Aid Station after 2:30 PM you will be directed down 1E01 to return to the finish area.
The course officially closes at 5:00 PM.
Emergency: All aid stations have emergency communication. If you find a rider who needs medical assistance, please ride the next aid station to report the situation.
Non Finish: If you do not finish the ride, please check in with us so we can account for your safety. Thank you.